I just realized today that we've been back in Arizona for almost two weeks and I've never even mentioned the fact that we moved... Things have been really hectic this last month and even though the decision wasn't out of the blue, it was definitely a difficult decision to make. We loved so many things about Chicago and met some really great people. It will always be a special place in our hearts! On the flipside...we have desperately missed our family and friends in Phoenix these last two years and are excited to be back. We also come back to Phoenix changed. We were forced out of our comfort zone and learned a great deal about ourselves individually, as a couple and as a family. We now see Phoenix through different eyes and will appreciate it more than ever. Every city has it's faults and although we miss Chicago we certainly don't mind all the sun we're getting!
I thought I'd share some pictures of the kids enjoying the sunny days...
Max swinging at grandma's |
Suki enjoying the swing |
our little bunny - she loves carrots! |
waiting for the train |
monkey girl! |
The midwest really shows in the next few pictures...instead of "snow angels" they make "sand angels"!