Things have been crazy as usual and our days have been filled with kid activity. Both the kiddos started school a few weeks ago and they are loving it! Suki is in PreK and goes half day/five days a week (does that make sense?) and Max is in a 2's program that meets on Tuesday and Thursday for two and a half hours. This preschool is pretty similar to Suki's school in Chicago in that parent participation is high. I am assisting in the classroom once a week and serving on the parent committee. I will be heading up our fundraising auction in a couple months (more on that to come I'm sure). We are thankful that we have found this school!
Some other reasons for the lack of blog love are...
At the end of July, while we were enjoying a last minute family trip to California(yay), our house was broken into(boo) and my computer was stolen :( I was devastated! It felt like my whole life was on that computer...It was the same one I had since the kids were born and every picture that ever mattered was stored there. I'm sure you're thinking "what's the big deal just transfer the data from your back-up"....right? well, wrong! I didn't have a back-up...wah wah wah. Soooooo, one of our good friends was nice enough to give me one of his old laptops to use. I am so extremely grateful and will be backing up soon. LESSON DEFINITELY LEARNED!
Also, my camera is broken AGAIN! I have been using my Holga as a back-up but after getting my last roll developed and only having ONE picture turn out from the whole roll, I am determined to either get my Canon fixed ASAP or get a new camera soon. Then I will have some pics to share. I have been missing some serious "Kodak moments" with the kids.
Now on to something I have been loving lately...
Pioneer Woman's Perfect Iced Coffee - If you love coffee you have to make this - it's amazing!