Sunday, February 22, 2009


Well, I'm sad to report that my computer is officially done! Suki dropped it and broke the backlight so I have not been able to post or get on my computer in three whole days (I'm currently using my brother-in-law's computer). I am heartbroken...I love my computer and am sad to get a new one but I guess it will probably work better than the old one I had. I will hopefully be back up and running in a couple of days - I have tons to post!


  1. Yes we had to buy a new notebook. Apparently the backlight part is really expensive to fix and since our laptop was already 5 years old, it wasn't really worth it. We were able to buy a new that was twice as good as the old one for a pretty good price. Now I have to get all the files transfered and the wireless all set fun :)
