Monday, March 22, 2010

We've Got A Dipper

This boy will eat anything as long as he has something to dip it in...


  1. Ahh, so cute. He looks so much more like a little boy.

  2. Max, I am with you- I LOVE me some dip!
    Nance, have you ever been to Roy's Hawaiian Fusion Restaurant? I love that place, just for their sauces!

    He is sooo cute, and I've said it a hundred times- but I am obsessed with his long eyelashes!

    So, Camden is a "binky girl" when she sleeps only. Strangest thing- it began at around 8/9 months old, and she only wants it to fall asleep. Most of the time it falls out of her mouth during sleep, and she doesn't even care. I figure I'll try breaking the habit by or before 2, just to be safe. : )

  3. MMMMMMmmm...that corn dog looks delicious. Max is such a cutie. I'd dip that too.

    Jenna said you guys are all going camping in May. We love camping so we're going to try and join you.
