Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Garfield Park Conservatory

A few weekends ago we went to the Garfield Park Conservatory.  It was kind of a gloomy Chicago day and we weren't sure if it was going to rain or not so decided to do something indoors.  Well, we are really glad we did.  This trip to the conservatory was by far one of the coolest things we've seen since coming to Chicago.  It was this huge oasis in the middle of a big amazing!  The flowers and plants and trees were so beautiful.  There's just something so peaceful about being surrounded by living plants.  Oh and I forgot to mention the best's free!  Both admission and parking, which is almost unheard of in this city.  We will definitely be going back!


  1. Wow, those flowers are beautiful, and you're right- it does look like a little oasis in the middle of the city!
    I was just telling my best friend, Dino (who lives in Chicago, well, Tinley Park) about you guys & how much you're taking advantage of the nice weather/different culture & scenery than AZ!
    The kiddos look SO cute & grown up!?

  2. Looks like a fun trip. Those hydrengias look amazing.

    Suki and Max are growing up so fast.

    Sorry we missed you guys last weekend. We want to visit Chi-town again soon. If we make it out there we want to hang out again.

  3. Lissette - we missed you guys too. We would love to hang out if you guys come out again. We are definitely more familiar with the city than we were last year. I also know of some great bed&breakfast/studio type places to stay if you wanted to shy away from downtown and you'd be closer to Pat and us.
