Monday, August 30, 2010

A Conversation with Suki

Suki: Mom you have a big belly.
Me:   That's not very nice. 
Me:   You shouldn't tell people things like that.
Suki: Welllll you have a big butt!

Guess it's time for me to start running again...


  1. OMG that's funny! I get the same comments ALL the time, it's a real confidence booster, huh?! I'm sure you're in great shape with all that running you have been doing! :) Love the pics in the last post too!

  2. Nancy, this was the funniest post ever (sorry, for your sake- but I couldn't stop laughing!) Like Sarah said, I'm sure you look great....those darn toddlers, huh!? haaa
    I asked Camden if she loved me this morning, and she simply (& pretty firmly) replied, "No."
