Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day Gift

Since we have been seriously slacking on our picture taking lately, I thought I would post a picture of my new necklace. I have wanted something with both the kids birthdates on it for awhile now so I was soooooo happy when I opened the little brown box. I LOVE that it is totally handcrafted and that the beads are the kids' birthstones. Carlos did good! I had a great mother's day hanging out at Jen & Jesse's by the pool sipping sangrias. I had a chance to sit back and notice just how happy both my kids are and that I feel like such a lucky mama. Suki has this awesome sense of humor - she really understands sarcasm and she makes us laugh everyday! Max has such an infectious smile - his eyes light up and it seems like his whole face is smiling. It is the cutest thing in the world. I love them both so much!


  1. That necklace is soooo amazing & looks like YOU/your style to a T!
    GOOD JOB, Carlos!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. SO pretty! My gift was a necklace with the kids names too! Hope to see you guys soon :)

  3. The necklace is beautiful!!! What a very thoughtful gift . . .nice job, Carlos! :)

  4. That is such a beautiful gift. Happy Mother's Day. Hope to see you guys soon.
