Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Artist
I thought I would share some of Suki's latest masterpieces. Every week I drop her off at art class and when I pick her up she is so excited to show me what she has created that day. The girl loves all things arts and crafts...definitely does not take after mommy!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Gone are the days that I can head out to the mall on a Saturday with nothing in particular to buy. Just spending hours window shopping, wishing and wanting...oh how I used to love to shop! My idea of shopping has changed over the last few years. I have gone from buying clothes for myself to buying housewares, linens and appliances to focusing on baby clothes, gear and gadgets. Don't get me wrong I love shopping for my kiddos and it has satisfied my shopping cravings BUT lately I have been slowly thinking about myself more and more. It's almost like the old me is emerging again and the "non-mom" is coming back out. As a mom, it is extrememly easy to get into a rut of sweats, jeans and t-shirts. Most days I feel lucky enough if I get to shower let alone put on some fancy clothes. Well, as the weather gets warmer I have found myself cyber shopping quite a bit and my eyes just seem to navigate towards the frilly girly summer dresses. I don't know if it's because I want the life that goes along with some of the dresses or if I just want the weather that I can actually wear them in. I thought I'd share a few things that my eyes have been googling over....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Growing Like Weeds
We took both the kids for their well visits today and I'm happy to report they are healthy growing little beings. Suki went first and was so into the whole check up thing. She loved every bit of it. She even watched while they pricked her finger and squeezed blood into a tube (lead and anemia testing). The nurse and doctor were amazed at how good she was. Our new pediatrician is amazing so the whole experience is really pleasant. She is really calm and just has good energy. She takes her time and she is the one who does all the measuring, weighing, etc - not a nurse! I feel very fortunate to have found her. Max was a little more apprehensive about the whole thing but, he still was and has always been very good in the doctors office...no crying, whining or screaming. Makes it nice for mommy and daddy!
weight: 32 lbs. (60%)
height: 37 in. (50%)
weight: 21 lb. 10 oz. (10%)
height: 31.5 inches (50%)
weight: 32 lbs. (60%)
height: 37 in. (50%)
weight: 21 lb. 10 oz. (10%)
height: 31.5 inches (50%)
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