Saturday, November 7, 2009


We went up to my brother's house in Appleton, Wisconsin for Halloween this year and the kids had so much fun. Suki was so excited to dress up and she really go into the trick-or-treating. She thought it was so cool that you just knock on someone's door and they give you candy! By the end she was literally screaming TRICK OR TREAT at them because she was so excited. She got lots of candy, a box of cereal, a toy bug and some fake tattoos. Max hated the headpiece to his costume so he only wore it for a short time...maybe next year. Sydney was sick so she didn't get to dress up or go out with the kids (poor thing!) and Paige was such a good sport collecting candy for her. It was a good weekend!


  1. I never knew a Pirate could be SO cute?! Also very clever (if you planned it) to have Max use the clear/black pacifier! It looked like part of his little costume. : )
    Hope you guys had a great holiday with your family.

  2. Those pictures are sooooo cute! The twins finally understoond Halloween this year too and it was so funny. First they were asking me why were we going to the neighbors house asking for candy, but once they actually saw what went on, they loved it! I'm glad you guys had a good time!! We missed not having Halloween at Jennifer's this year! Maybe next year!! :)
