Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday at the Park

Today we went to Encanto Park with the kids and Uncle Jesse, Cassidy and Alex. Jennifer is always missing out on our weekend fun...I guess someone has to make the money :) Suki had such a good time playing on the playground and riding all the fun rides. She rode the carousel, cars and the bumper boats. The bumper boats didn't last too long but we were just proud of her for trying. Max was such a good boy and slept almost the entire time. I was able to get a picture of him lying on the blanket after he was finished eating though. I have to say that I love our weekends and there is just nothing more perfect than a picnic in the park.

Jennifer came over to play scrabble and drink wine. I won - which makes me on a 3 game winning streak!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Four Months Old

My little man is four months old today. These past four months have gone by so fast. I'm a little sad that he's not the newborn that just loves to sleep and snuggle but I'm also loving all the smiles and giggles. He is rolling over from his stomach to his back all the time and is almost rolling the other way too. I just moved him out of our room into his crib and so far it hasn't been the easiest transition. I'm hoping that this doesn't last too long as I already forget what it was like to live without sleep...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Party!

We had a birthday party for Suki on Saturday at our house. We rented a castle bouncey and invited all her friends over for some toddler fun. The kids had a great time and I think the adults did too. It was just the perfect day - the weather was beautiful, all the kids got along, great food and lots of awesome presents!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Year of Accomplishments

So my baby girl is no longer a "baby". Last Friday she turned two years old and is officially a little girl. As I think back over the last year, I think of how she has matured developmentally. She has gone from walking to running (and sometimes falling), speaking one word here and there to full blown sentences, and the personality...oh the personality! Suki is so shy and quiet when we are in large crowds or around people she doesn't know but when we are at home..she is such a ham. She loves to try and make us laugh - she evens asks us "am i funny?". I often catch her making faces in the mirror and she just recently started doing the splits! She has gone through many "obsessions" in the last year as well; Elmo, Dora, Diego, and now it's Shrek! I guess there are worse movies out there but it does get old when you watch it two or three times a day! I can't believe how much she has changed. It definitely goes by waaaayyy too fast. Here is a picture of Suki on her first birthday and one from Friday...

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Well, I'm sad to report that my computer is officially done! Suki dropped it and broke the backlight so I have not been able to post or get on my computer in three whole days (I'm currently using my brother-in-law's computer). I am heartbroken...I love my computer and am sad to get a new one but I guess it will probably work better than the old one I had. I will hopefully be back up and running in a couple of days - I have tons to post!

Friday, February 13, 2009

You say it's your birthday...

It's my sister's birthday tomorrow. Yes, she is a valentine baby and has always loved sharing the holiday. My sister and I have a bond that is indescribable. We talk on the phone everyday, live only two blocks apart and see each other a couple times a week. I love her and am so glad that she is such an important part of my life! I secretly (well I guess the secrets out now) want to have another daughter just so Suki can have this kind of relationship when she grows up. Happy Birthday Jennifo!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tummy Time

Why do babies hate tummy time so much?
Max is now 3 1/2 months old and is not very interested in rolling over. He hates being on his tummy so much and this picture is the exact face I see every time I lay him in this position. I know in time he'll be rolling over, crawling and then walking so for now I'm just going to enjoy the smiles, the coos, the giggles and even the frowns.
I love you my sweet baby boy!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Science Discoveries...

Today we headed over to the Arizona Science Center with the kids, Uncle Jesse, and Alex. For any of you who don't know...the first weekend of every month is free for Bank of America card holders and children under 3 are always free. It's quite a deal! Anyway, we had so much fun with all the science stuff but our obvious favorite was the distortion camera...funny stuff!

Jesse's Fishy Face

Alex's Balloon Head

Carlos' Tough Guy

Nancy's Little Girl

Suki's Jay Leno

Max's Big Brains

This was cool too...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So now that we have little ones of both sexes we are definitely fitting into the stereotypes of "daddy's girl" and "mama's boy". Last night in the grocery store as I was pushing Suki in the cart and Carlos had Max in the Bjorn on another aisle, Suki was yelling out "Daaaaadddddyyyyyyyy, air are u - air are u daddy?" Too cute! At the same time it is also sad when she screams her head off in the morning as he is leaving for work.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


This video is from Christmas morning and is classic Suki. Anyone who knows her, knows that she is not the most coordinated little girl. She has had many scrapes, bruises and even one concussion.

The Big Game

As everyone knows our Cardinals lost the big game on Sunday but we are still so proud at how far they came. My mom had a party at her house with lots of yummy food and great company. My cousin Brandy was in town all week so we got the chance to hang out with her one last time before she headed back to the U.P. Thanks Will for the awesome banners and for the picture!

Welcome to our Blog!

Well, I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and start a blog. I'm not sure where I will find the time to keep it updated but I just love the idea of sharing little blurbs from our crazy life. Come back often and leave comments so I know you're there!